Who are your low hanging fruit

Who Are Your Low Hanging Fruit?

So often we ask sales teams who their low hanging fruit are and how they build this relationship and we are met with blank faces.  A MarComms strategy is a vital part of business.  We encourage you to ask yourself:

  • What is our targeted market segment and what is the price point for that segment?
  • How do we reach our customers and what appeals to them?
  • What do our clients think of our business and its products?
  • Does the business have a marketing plan that is reviewed quarterly?
  • Do you look at our sales targets each month? 
  • What is your customer satisfaction and retention rate?                 
  • How do you test Innovative ideas?
  • Is your market share increasing?        

These questions are part of the balanced scorecard approach that Tweak HR uses to ensure that the businesses we work with have their activity aligned with their strategy.  Click here for a free Business Health Check.