Workplace Policies Reorientation

Ultimate Guide To Workplace Policies Reorientation in 2021

We know that 2020 was one of the most challenging years for most businesses. So, what happens when we get back to normal? How can we bounce back in the most effective way?

Most organisations induct their workplace policies in the first year itself and that’s it. They don’t update them or educate their employees if they make any changes. We believe that this should be an annual process.

But first, let’s understand why do have workplace policies:

  • The main objective of having workplace policies is to minimize risk and maximize sustainability.
  • For compliance with Government Legislation and Regulations.
  • To maintain best business practices.
  • Establish clear guidelines and expectations for all team members.
  • Establish clear communication processes within the business.
  • Maintain respect with the business.
  • Align with our VISION.

Regardless of the size of your business, policies, and procedures in the workplace have never been more important. Regulations, legislation, and codes of practice are forever changing, so it’s important to ensure you remain compliant.

Here are some of the common workplace policies you should add or reorient in your business to get the best possible results and make your vision a reality:


Bring Your Own Device Policy

The bring your own device policy provides guidelines, standards, and restrictions for employee use of personally owned devices and guidelines around connecting to the company’s network.

This policy is intended to protect the security and integrity of the companies, data, and technology infrastructure.


Confidentiality Policy

The confidentiality policy provides guidelines, standards, and restrictions for maintaining confidentiality within the company or any related body corporate of the company.

This policy is intended to protect the security, confidential information, trade secrets, and Intellectual property of the company.


Conflict of Interest Policy

The conflict of interest policies ensures that actual, potential, and perceived conflicts of interests (“conflicts”) are identified and managed effectively. Conflicts arise when two or more competing interests are involved in the same situation, internally and externally.


Discrimination Policy

The Company is committed to providing a workplace free of all forms of discrimination. It is an employee’s right to be treated with dignity and respect, and it is also the employee’s responsibility to treat others the same way.

An internal grievance resolution process assists employees to raise issues of concern, and all complaints will be treated confidentially, seriously, and sympathetically, This Discrimination policy steps out these processes.


Diversity Policy

This Diversity Policy recognizes the Company is committed to being an inclusive workplace that prides itself on recognizing and valuing the individual differences, backgrounds, perspectives, qualities, and insights provided by our workers.

The Company strives to ensure that all workers feel supported and comfortable at work.


Dress Code Policy

This Dress Code policy outlines how employees are expected to dress at work, to provide a consistent professional appearance.

Employees should be aware that their appearance reflects our company and its culture in front of customers, clients, and other parties.


Drug and Alcohol Policy

This Drug and Alcohol policy outlines the provision of an alcohol and drug free environment for all employees at all locations.

Accordingly, all employees acknowledge that no alcohol is to be consumed or illegal drugs used by employees during their working hours, including meal breaks.


Employee Assistance Program Policy

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) policy, is in place to ensure all employees are mentally healthy and positive about work and life.

The EAP adds value to the existing employee service and extends the benefit to drive healthy workplaces, employee commitment, and support retention. In turn, this can foster an optimistic and upbeat business culture that enhances productivity and business success.


Employee Exit Policy

The Employee Exit policy is in place to set guidelines in order to ensure the exit, termination and separation of employees is managed efficiently, effectively and in compliance with the provisions of employment contracts and other relevant legislation.

This policy applies to all employees, permanent and contract in relation to; termination or separation of employment through resignation and retirement, abandonment of employment, serious misconduct, unsatisfactory performance, redundancy, health issues etc.


Environmental Policy

The Environmental policy is in place to raise environmental awareness. We see protecting the environment as one of our core values. In taking measures as outlined in the Environmental policy we aim to continue to reduce our environmental footprint.

Caring for the environment is one of our key responsibilities. We aim to inspire our staff, vendors, and clients to do the same.


Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

The Equal Employment Opportunity policy is in place as ‘the company’ is an equal employment opportunity employer and is committed to providing a safe working environment, free of discrimination, vilification, bullying, or harassment.


Expense Claim Policy

The Expense Claim policy covers the procedure for reimbursement of expenses incurred by employees in the performance of their duties.


Family and Domestic Violence Leave Policy

The Family and Domestic Violence policy cover those workers who are a victim of violence perpetrated by a family member, spouse or other intimate partners, to take leave from work, manage the impact of that violence and ensure their physical safety and mental and financial wellbeing.


First Aid Policy

The First Aid policy covers the safety of all persons in the workplace. This includes the provision of first aid personnel, supplies and facilities. The purpose of this policy is to provide an effective framework for the effective use of first aid facilities.


Fraud Policy

The Fraud policy covers the prevention, detection, and investigation of fraud.


Gift Policy

The Gift policy covers the Company’s commitment to providing every client with the best service possible. This requires its employees to reject incentives that can potentially lead to the impartial treatment of clients.


Grievance Resolution Policy

The Grievance Resolution policy provides a process for the quick and effective resolution of workplace grievances.

Grievance resolution is the process by which solutions are sought in response to an employee complaining or expressing concerns about (or perceptions of) issues in the workplace.


Harassment and Bullying Policy

The Company is committed to providing a workplace free of all forms of harassment and bullying, as stated by the commonwealth and state legislation. It is an employee’s right to be treated with dignity and respect, and it is also the employee’s responsibility to treat others the same way.


ICT Policy

All email is the property of the Company and may be monitored and audited by appropriately authorized company personnel. All existing company policies apply to email usage.


Pandemic Policy

The company is committed to ensuring as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of the working environment for its team members, in accordance with its duty of care and obligations under applicable state-based occupational health and safety legislation.

This policy sets out the company’s approach to health and safety within the workplace in relation to the outbreak of communicable viruses and diseases which reach pandemic status.


Performance Management Policy

The company is committed to ensuring that fair and effective systems exist for managing unsatisfactory work performance, taking into account relevant legislation and in accord with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness.


Recruitment Policy

The company is committed to recruitment and selection practices that are open, competitive, and based on merit. This policy sets out the Company’s process of recruitment to enable the effective placement of new employees, and the equitable treatment of all candidates.


Return to Work (COVID-19) Policy

With this policy, the company is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of all employees and facilitating the safe and sustainable return to work from quarantine during COVID-19. As well as ensuring that no employee is disadvantaged or prejudiced by their participation in a return to work plan.


Return to Work (Managing Injury) Policy

With this policy, the company is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of all employees and facilitating the safe and sustainable return to work of injured or ill employees, regardless of whether the injury or illness sustained is non-compensable or non-work related. As well as ensuring that no employee is disadvantaged or prejudiced by their participation in a return to work plan.


Smoking Policy

With this policy, the company is committed to providing employees a healthy and supportive environment to work in and is committed to providing a supportive workplace culture where healthy lifestyle choices are valued and encouraged.


Social Media Policy

With this policy the company is committed to ensuring employees understand their obligations when using social media (such as FaceBook), and are informed of the importance of managing risks associated with such use, that may impact the reputation of the company and/or the safety of its employees.


Use of Company Property Policy

The purpose of this policy is to stipulate the terms and conditions applicable to the provision and use of any company property by workers.


Whistleblower Policy

Creating a supportive environment where people feel safe to speak up, underpins our Company culture. Employees and others working closely will often be the best source of information when things are not quite right.

The purpose of this policy is to explain how to speak up in a respectful and confidential way when reporting concerns about wrongdoing(s), outline what protections a person who reports wrongdoing will receive, and outline the Company’s processes for dealing with reports of wrongdoing.


Work Health and Safety Policy

Our Company is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by the Company’s operations. It aims to be proactive in preventing workplace incidents and ensuring all work activities are done safely.


Working from Home Policy

Our Company recognizes the potential benefits of providing flexible working arrangements, that will assist employees with balancing the demands of work, with their family and/or personal responsibilities. This policy sets out these arrangements.


Workplace Hygiene Policy

The Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all its employees, contractors, volunteers, and members.

This policy has been developed to ensure all employees understand the importance of appropriate grooming and hygiene in the workplace or when representing the Company.


Workplace Mobile Phone Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide all employees with guidelines regarding the appropriate use of mobile phones at work. Acknowledging that mobile phones can be a great asset for productivity if used correctly, inappropriate use can compromise workplace efficiency. This policy sets out guidelines for the efficient use of mobile phones within the workplace.

Need help with your workplace policies reorientation? Email me at: