The Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Learning Experience

The Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Learning Experience

Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict is a classroom training and personalised learning experience that increases self-awareness around conflict behaviours and helps participants effectively respond to the uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges of workplace conflict.

Rather than focus on a step-by-step process for conflict resolution, this training program combines the personalised insights of DiSC® with the proven science of cognitive behavioural theory to help participants recognise and transform their destructive habits into more productive responses. The result is improved workplace relationships that drive results. 

The Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile helps participants improve self-awareness around conflict behaviours. In this 22-page profile, participants will explore the destructive and productive conflict behaviours of each DiSC® style, learn how to manage their responses to conflict situations, and gain personalised communication strategies when engaging in productive conflict with colleagues.

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