Assess the level of satisfaction of your employees and managers, on at least an annual basis. For the results to be meaningful and useful the assessment process should be anonymous, valid and reliable, and benchmarked to other businesses in your country. Implement any agreed solutions to improve future results in a transparent/participative process on schedule and to a budget. Pulse check any significant issues/ improvement items on a 6 monthly schedule, to assess whether solutions are actually having a positive impact.
Implement a regular (at least annual) formal performance coaching process for all employees and managers. Train managers/supervisors/employees on performance coaching processes. Ensure that all participants realise that the process is designed to recognise good work and identify growth or development opportunities so that employees can enhance their career and improve the performance of the business. Use the data from the performance coaching assessments/reports to map business capability and identify areas for business-wide improvement.
Download the Employee Satisfaction Doesn’t Mean Profit White Paper if:
- You are a business owner keen to maximise your business performance and profitability
- You are responsible for the people aspects in your business and you want to improve the business outcomes
- You have invested heavily in employee satisfaction initiatives and now want to generate a greater return for the business