The Net Promoter Score

What is the Net Promoter Score? What is the NPS? It is a universal number and with a universal question that allows every organisation to benchmark themselves against other organisations. What then is the question? Interestingly, there is an internal staff question and an external client question, but they are basically both the same question.

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are your people your biggest asset

Employee Commitment/Loyalty

Assess management and employee culture at least annually using a validated, benchmarked and anonymous survey. Our research results are consistent with lots of other international research. Most employees (and Managers) leave a business due to a poor or broken relationship with their immediate supervisor or Manager. High employee turnover (anything above 7% in any year)

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Employee Alignment

Involve at least a cross-section of employees in developing your Business Growth Plan. Don’t forget to also develop the Vision, Mission and Values for your business, so that everyone knows what page they are supposed to be on. Regularly update employees on the progress against the Business Plan/ HR Plan and positively reinforce behaviour that

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