When everyone is committed to a clear plan of action, they will be more willing to hold one another accountable.
Accountability has become a buzzword – so overused and with so many different interpretations that it has lost much of its meaning. In the context of teamwork, however, accountability is: The willingness of team members to call their peers on performance or
behaviours that might hurt the team.
The usual source of dysfunction in this area is the unwillingness of team members to tolerate the interpersonal discomfort that accompanies calling out a peer on his or her behaviour. This includes the more general tendency to avoid difficult conversations. Functional teams overcome these natural inclinations, opting instead to “enter the danger” with one another.
The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team assessment gives team members a sense of their team’s unique strengths and areas of improvement. It’s a tool that evaluates the team’s dynamic across the five fundamental behaviours so members can decide what improvements are necessary for becoming a higher performing team. To discuss how you can create a cohesive team, please contact Tweak HR.