Top Priorities for HR in 2020 - Closing the Talent Gap to Drive Digital Business Transformation

Top Priorities for HR in 2020 – Closing the Talent Gap to Drive Digital Business Transformation

While nearly all organisations are focused on digitalisation, 43% of HR leaders reported that their organisation does not have a clear and consistent strategy for digital transformation. Organisations are also struggling on the talent front — 35% of HR leaders say they have inadequate talent to drive digital transformation.

To make real progress, HR must become a trusted driver and advisor on digital transformation by doing the following: 

Become experts in digital business: Collaborate with leaders to address digital goals and ensure they are consistent with the organisation’s strategy.

Leverage talent processes: Track employees’ skills to develop and refine the organisation’s digital plans and prevent execution blind spots.

Deliver functional support: Motivate HR teams to make meaningful contributions to digital business transformation and actively review HR strategies to stay consistent with the changing needs and expectations of employees and business leaders.